You can either pay a simple price that includes everything or just select the services you need
We are offering a choice between no start-up costs or selecting just the services you need starting with recruiting.

We offer recruitment in Poland and Ukraine as it will be more convenient for you not to have to find a local agency. We have a strong employer brand and offer everything you need after we recruit your next team member.
If the employee works from Gdansk or Lviv, we have modern and centrally located offices with the best possible working facilities. This includes meeting rooms, phone booths, lunch arrangements, etc. The conditions are the same as if you were to rent a shared office environment.

HR services
We are your local HR person and can work with your HR department. We regularly conduct performance reviews of our own procedures to address any issues and get feedback from employees.

Hardware and security
We provide the necessary hardware and support when it needs to be replaced or updated. But it's much more than that. We are ISO27001/27001 certified, which means that the hardware we provide is centrally managed to ensure that all data is protected and under strict control.

Employee benefits
In a competitive job market, it is necessary to offer your employees a benefits package, which typically includes health insurance and a gym membership. We provide it all within the budget you set.
Salary and tax
We take care of the calculation and payment of wages and taxes in accordance with local regulations. In our customer portal you have access to all information about sick leave and vacation. Depending on your choice, we assume the legal responsibility as an employer.