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Freedom to choose the services you need
and who you want to supply it

The downside of outsourcing is that you become more and more dependent on your supplier when things go well and the team gets bigger. Unless you have agreed some kind of exit, it is the supplier's employees, and then it is difficult to go elsewhere and take the employees with you. We would like to change that by offering direct recruitment together with shared services.

What is the difference?

The difference is that it is your employees from the start, because you pay for recruiting. All of our following services are optional. If you supply the hardware and software, then obviously you should not pay for it. Nor for permanent jobs, which you may not need. If, on the other hand, you need flexible office and meeting facilities, we can help with that. We can also arrange for the payment of wages, taxes and arrange to follow locals labour market rules. And ifteamet one day, becomes so big that you can handle it all yourself, then you can freely terminate the agreement and take the employees with you.

Co-working space

Idag hvor så mange arbejder hjemmefra er det mest effektivt at indrette kontorerne som co-working spaces med hot-desks, man kan booke efter behov.

Løn, ferie og skatter

Vi sørger for afregning af løn og skatter i tilfælde af almindelig funktionæransættelse. Vi holder også styr på ferieregnskabet og sygefravær i henhold til lokale regler.


Få adgang til mødefaciliteter. Lige fra små mødelokaler til større events, når medarbejdere fra forskellige lokationer mødes.

Benefits pakke

For at hjælpe Jer med at tiltrække de bedste medarbejdere, har vi sammensat en attraktiv benefitspakke der inkluderer frokost, fitness, sygeforsikring etc.

Team Manager

Vi tilbyder en team manager, som er det lokale omdrejningspunkt for både Jer i Danmark og Jeres medarbejdere, hvis de har brug for et eller andet. Sørger for alt det praktiske.

Employer of Record

Hvis I ønsker at ansætte en medarbejder på helt normale funktionærlignende vilkår, og I ikke har et firma, tilbyder vi at være Employer of Record, hvilket betyder at vi er den juridiske arbejdsgiver.

We helped SPRING productions start up in Gdańsk

SPRING productions is a graphic production company with 400 employees spread over 6 locations. We helped start up in Gdańsk, Poland and were involved from the very beginning to analyze alternative countries and cities in Eastern Europe, where we compared a wide range of factors. In particular supply of qualified labour. They ended up being our neighbors.

We still provide for their IT team, while SPRING is today self-driving with the recruitment of graphic designers. We have helped with recruitment, contracts, bookkeeping and establishing contacts with accountants and lawyers in connection with company formation.

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