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We are conveniently located in Aarhus, Gdańsk and Lviv

From Aarhus, Copenhagen or Billund it takes about 3 hours from you leave your home till you are at our office in Gdańsk. Including driving to the airport, parking, security, flying and a taxi the last leg of your journey. No longer than it takes from Aarhus to Copenhagen. Flights are frequent. Even daily from Copenhagen with multiple carriers and parking will probably cost more than the plane ticket.


It makes it very convenient, if you like your remote Polish team to work on-site at your office, from time to time. Or opposite want to come to Gdańsk to sit down with the team and lead the way.

Netminds Ukraine TsOV

Grabovskogo 11, 79000 Lviv


+380 68 606 51 06

Netminds Poland Sp. z o.o.

Plac Porozumienia Gdańskiego 1, 80-864 Gdańsk


+48 797 387 709

Netminds ApS

Egå Havvej 21, 8250 Egå


+45 43 33 26 75

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